Horse-Medicine brings a unique type of transformational healing through two particular equine traits: authentic connection and natural sensitivity. A skillful horse/human partnership can mirror a client's emotional experience with authenticity, presence, and acceptance in a way that builds a sense of real connection to another living being.
Donkey-Wisdom reveals a space to release automatic reactivity and defensiveness, this allows you to get to know your authentic truer self. As the protective layers shed, a sense of relaxation comes from within your body. This can be described as having a co-regulating experience for your nervous system.
Horse-Medicine is a way of looking out a place but is not "seeing" in the normal sense of the word, as in seeing something physical. Horse-medicine sees through physical reality. It takes us deeper than seeing to get at something spiritual.
"Horses open portals of coherent frequency that support us in raising our frequency so that we have access to a broader perspective with more possibilities." ~Anne Altvater
Click Here to Register for Group Events
Group Gatherings with the Herd are offered on Wednesday evenings and one Saturday a month
"My experience with Horse-medicine was truly amazement! It was clear that this modality allowed me to get to the root of what I was struggling with in a few minutes versus a few sessions."
"My Horse-medicine validated for me the limits, at times, of talk therapy and needing other modalities to maximize treatment benefits."
"The farm itself is therapeutic by nature; the horses and Anne just enhance that feeling. Campbell’s Lane Farm is a true retreat, where, in a safe and nurturing environment, healing can happen."
Campbell's Lane Farm
22862 Dover Bridge Rd Preston, MD 21655 US